Thursday, March 7, 2024

Merge Statament

 Merge statement  in SQL Server is used to perform insert, update, or delete operations on a target table based on the results of a join with a source table. It's commonly used for synchronizing two tables. Here's a simple example:

Let's say we have two tables: TargetTable and SourceTable, both with columns ID and Value.

-- Create sample tables CREATE TABLE TargetTable ( ID INT PRIMARY KEY, Value VARCHAR(50) ); CREATE TABLE SourceTable ( ID INT PRIMARY KEY, Value VARCHAR(50) ); -- Insert sample data into TargetTable INSERT INTO TargetTable (ID, Value) VALUES (1, 'Value 1'), (2, 'Value 2'), (3, 'Value 3'); -- Insert sample data into SourceTable INSERT INTO SourceTable (ID, Value) VALUES (2, 'Updated Value 2'), (3, 'Value 3'), (4, 'Value 4');

Now, let's use MERGE to synchronize TargetTable with SourceTable:

-- Merge operation MERGE INTO TargetTable AS target USING SourceTable AS source ON (target.ID = source.ID) -- When records are matched, update the values WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET target.Value = source.Value -- When there is no match, insert the records WHEN NOT MATCHED BY TARGET THEN INSERT (ID, Value) VALUES (source.ID, source.Value) -- When there is no match in the source, delete the records in the target WHEN NOT MATCHED BY SOURCE THEN DELETE; -- Display the updated TargetTable SELECT * FROM TargetTable;

After executing the MERGE statement, the TargetTable will be synchronized with the SourceTable. In this example, the row with ID 2 will be updated with the new value from SourceTable, the row with ID 4 will be inserted into TargetTable, and the row with ID 1 will be deleted from TargetTable because it doesn't exist in SourceTable.

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